Friday, December 12, 2008

Organza Sachets

Organza Sachets Organza Sachets

Sometimes you'll open your closet to find that moths have dined on your clothing, leaving holes in the fabric as their calling card. Mothballs are an effective way to prevent damage, but their distinct smell is unpleasant. However, certain herbs, such as lavender, tansy, and wormwood, not only are sweet smelling but also have moth-repellent properties. Combine these herbs in a sachet to put in closets or drawers; organza sachets are easy to make and are a lovely, practical holiday gift.

Tools and Materials
Two 4-inch squares of organza
Matching thread
Sewing needle
Lavender, wormwood, cedar, or patchouli
Rosemary, tansy, cinnamon, or cloves
Mixing bowl
Pinking shears
Decorative ribbon

Organza Sachet How-To
1. Pin together two 4-inch squares of organza, and sew a tight zigzag stitch around the perimeter, leaving a 1/2-inch seam allowance; keep a 1-inch opening on one side.

2. Mix 2 parts of either lavender, wormwood, cedar, or patchouli with 1 part of either rosemary, tansy, cinnamon, or cloves. Pour the mixture into the pouch with a funnel.

3. Sew the opening closed with a tight zigzag stitch, and trim the edges with pinking shears. Make three or four sachets, and tie them together with a decorative ribbon to present as a gift.

First Published: April 1998

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